Portfolio Risk Management Not Market Timing: Why its Important to Understand the Difference Now

John Stanton |

After last weeks market sell off,  we are seeing many,  many stories and posts  on why this occurred,  and what you should do now.  

Here are a few examples. 


"Stocks Are Crashing—That’s a Great Reason to Sit Tight"

The sudden selloff in Japanese equities and a surge in the VIX suggest the current rout is being exaggerated by trend chasers.   WSJ,  August 5,  2024


"The Slowdown Scenario"

David Kelly,  Chief Global Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management,  August 5, 2024



"Don’t Panic: It’s Not 2022 All Over Again"

David Sekera, CFA,  Chief US Market Strategist for Morningstar



Our Take:  Portfolio Management Based On Market Risk

There are many indicators that can be used,  to assess where the overall market is,  in terms of riskiness. 

Large Bear Market drawdowns,  although far apart,  can be devastating to an overall financial plan,  especially in the years leading up to,  and in,  retirement.   

Why?   Because bear market losses can take longer to recover from,  than the financial pundits have you believe.  And,  if you are drawing from retirement accounts that are down,  the potential for drawing down ,  and running out of retirement money,   increases.     See here on a previous post on Retirement Income Planning  https://www.stantongwp.com/blog/what-your-retirement-income-plan


By using a weight of evidence approach,  we have developed a risk management methodology to stock portfolio management,  decreasing exposure to the market ,  when the market is at its riskiest for more than a correction. 

Conversely,  these same indicators can be used to show us when the market is presenting the best opportunity to increase exposure to a more fully allocated stock position.   See here, previous post on indicators used. https://www.stantongwp.com/blog/what-we-were-reading-and-watching-week-7


The Economy and the Markets Now

A number of reports on the economy came in last week,  pointing towards increasing odds of a "hard landing".  

Employment Statistics

The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Report (JOLTS) fell again,  and are now below where they were prior to the pandemic.

The quits rate has fallen throughout this year,  and is now back to the levels seen in 2018. 

These signal that the labor market is likely cooling faster than anticipated. 

Confirming news came in Fridays  Jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  with only 114 thousand  new jobs, a decrease from last month’s downwardly revised 179K.

The labor market continues to cool.   

Stock Market

An index of AI stocks is down 13.4% from its high,  and continues to drop,  the selloff in these,  and other tech continues. 

The lack of selling on up market days remains weak,  while distribution measure on down market days is neutral.  This second indicator appears to be increasing at a rapid rate,  which could require additional defensive positioning of a portfolio. 

Based on the weight of evidence,  our practice continues to maintain a defensive positioning of  stock portfolios. 


What to Do Now

Plan First


We believe strongly that investment strategy should be coupled with prudent financial planning.  A comprehensive plan,  based on personal lifestyle goals,  is always the first step.  As a practice dedicated to working together with our clients, we offer consultation in a number of financial areas, serving as a coordinator with other professionals, to ensure your plan is implemented in a professional, timely manner. 


How We Are Positioned

Our practice has 5 model portfolio,  to guide us in constructing individual portfolios for our clients,  based on a comprehensive  financial plan,  goals,  objectives,  risk tolerance,  and time horizon.  

Here is the big picture positioning of each.  


Capital Appreciation     

Objective:   Growth,  Long Term Time Horizon,  Moderate Tolerance for Risk

Growth,  Select Dividend Stocks,  Market Exposure    55%

Short Hedge                                        0%

Treasury Bill Money Market     45%


Value and Dividend   

Objective: Growth, Income,  Long Term Time Horizon 10 years plus,  Moderate Tolerance for Risk 

Select Dividend Stocks,  Market Exposure     55%

Short Hedge                                  0%

Treasury Bill Money Market          45%



Objective:  Balance of Growth and Income,   Long Term Time Horizon 10 years plus, Moderate Tolerance for Risk. 

Select Dividend Stocks, Market Exposure   27%

Short Hedge                                                0%

Treasury Bill Money Market                        21%

Fixed Income                                              47.0%

Select Real Estate Investment Trusts           5%


Moderate Fixed Income 

Objective:  Income,   Medium to Long Term Time Horizon,  Moderate Tolerance for Risk

CDs,  Treasuries,  Corporate, Municipal Bonds,  Laddered         65%  

Select Preferred Shares                                                               30%

Treasury Money Market, cash                                                        5%


Conservative Fixed Income    

Objective:  Income,  Medium to Long Term Time Horizon,  Low Tolerance for Risk

95%  Laddered Portfolio of CDs,  Treasuries,  Municipal Bonds,  and Investment Grade Corporates. 

5% Treasury Money Market


Please schedule a 15 minute call to review historical and detailed current positioning using our  Core & Protect Risk Management Process, our research, and our model portfolios. 





John is the founder of The Stanton Group WP. With more than three decades of experience in the financial services industry, and through SeaCrest Wealth Management, LLC,  serves as the Registered Investment Advisor Representative for clients, focusing on financial planning and the investment strategies to support their financial plan.

Based in Naperville, Illinois, John serves clients in Naperville, Plainfield, Darien, Aurora, Geneva, St Charles, and throughout the Chicagoland area.

Learn more about John’s services by visiting www.stantongwp.com

John can be reached at l 630-445-2380 or email JStanton@seacrestwm.com.


The Stanton Group WP provides investment advisory services through SeaCrest Wealth Management LLC, (“SWM”) a registered investment advisor.

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The commentary in this “post” (including any related blog, podcasts, videos, and social media)  reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints, and analyses of John Stanton,  and should not be regarded as the views of SeaCrest Wealth Management, LLC,  or its respective affiliates or as a description of advisory services provided by SeaCrest Wealth Management, LLC,  or performance returns of any SeaCrest Wealth Management client.  

The views reflected in the commentary are subject to change at any time without notice.

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